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Attract More Customer Through Your Very Own Business Profile

Your business profile is where you get to really sell yourself and showcase your knowledge, experience and expertise. The more robust your profile, the more attractive it is to potential customers!

Business Profile with Build Buddy Pro - Profile image.

What does Your Business Profile Include?

Business Profile People Icon

Your Services

Share a list of services that you are skilled at providing. This way, we can make sure we're reaching out to all the customers we can assist in the best possible way!

Business Profile Image Icon

Past Work Portfolio

Here's your opportunity to showcase your work. Share snapshots of projects that capture your skills and expertise. Give potential customers a compelling reason to choose you.

Business Profile with Build Buddy Pro - Phone Mock up.
Business Profile Star Icon

Reviews and Testimonials

Reviews provide valuable insights from satisfied customers! This provides prospective clients with insight into your work approach and the outcomes you achieve.

Business Profile Contact Icon

Your Contact Information

Sharing your contact information is a friendly way to open up channels of communication, making it effortless for you to get in touch with potential clients.

Business Profile  - Pricing page image.

Quote Requests

Your Business Profile will have an integrated 'quote request' section which allows your customers to request a quote to work with you. These quotes are very detailed and will include all information about the job at hand including: exactly what needs to be done and when it needs to be completed by.

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