We are looking for just 10 people who are ready to start their Build Buddy Pro journey to participate in our pilot launch.
Each person/family will be personally selected by our CEO who is specifically looking for early adopters willing to provide constructive feedback that will help us further refine and improve the Build Buddy platform before launching to the general public.
In return, a dedicated and experienced team will be working closely with you as you progress through each step of your journey to ensure that your experience is a rewarding one … and we will do so free of charge!
Complete the form below to register your interest and to receive a call from a member of our Expert Guidance and Support team.
Thank you for submitting your details. A team member will be in contact shortly.
Looking to join our exclusive marketplace?
Fill out the form to register your interest. Once submitted, a team member will promptly reach out to discuss our verification process and the Build Buddy Pro platform.